Get to the Next Level with #1 AAA CE Training!
Serving New York, out of state, and global learners!

About Us
#1 AAA CE Trainings is a NYS licensed career school. #1 AAA CE Trainings mission and vision focuses on adult education and provides access to quality entry-level healthcare professions.
Online Courses
Online course participants must have access to the Internet, a computer with audio and video capabilities, printer and an email address. End of course certificate for online courses are identical to the same course offered in a traditional classroom. Since, the online courses have the identical course content as the traditional classroom courses; some courses may have a post-test at the end of the course.

Refund Policy
1ACT's attendance policies are based on the principle that regular attendance maximizes the student's interaction with his or her teacher and peers, and is a major component of academic success. Students are expected to attend scheduled classes. See School Catalog for more details on all our policies.

Infection Control
The goal of the infection control training is to assure healthcare professionals understand how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted in the work...
NYS Mandated Child Abuse
In New York State, specific professionals are “mandated” by law to report cases of suspected child abuse and maltreatment. This online course will teach...
NYS School Violence Prevention
This course satisfies the training in school violence prevention and intervention in accordance with section 3004...